For many of us the new year provides us with very little change; once all the Christmas celebration is over we head back to work and into the routine we had before the holiday period began. Yet for the minority of people employed for the Christmas period, the end of the holiday means unemployment and a new year panic. Whitten & Co have been looking into which services are worth your time. Here are our top three.
Indeed is arguably the leading job search engine with 250 million users worldwide per month. Both the website and the app are easy to use and allow you to specify location, salary and career, as well as set up a notification system when new jobs become available. The service is completely free and has the most varied options of jobs, thus having the widest appeal to the everyday browser.
Linked In
Linked In is a great place to look for jobs and also sell your abilities as an employee. It’s very likely that if you send your CV off to an employer they will search you on Linked In, so make sure your profile is professional and current.
Linked In also has a setting in which you can job search for jobs local to you and more specified jobs in the country depending on your career path.
Most uniquely, the app free also provides you with the feature of connecting with people that already work there, giving you an insight into the company that no other online employment services do.
Gov UK
Gov UK is an easy to navigate, government run website that perhaps provides the most person-to-person help of all the online services. The sight has people available to help you through unemployment that are there to help find tailored jobs for your skill set, plus the government offered schemes such as universal credit and job seekers allowance to give you a financial buffer between jobs.
The only negatives we can see from using the government website are that you are often left with less of a job selection (its unlikely to find retail work through the website, for example), and the applications tend to be longer to fill in as you have to upload sections of your CV manually rather than uploading as one document.
It doesn’t matter if you are looking casually for a change in careers or if you are in need of a job urgently, all three of these services are suited for any kind of job application and all are incredibly easy to use and come highly recommended by Whitten & Co.